Melbourne 6-8 September

Venue: Grand Hyatt Melbourne, 123 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Registration Open
Secure your place now!

We are excited to announce the PCPA ASM 2024 'Together=Stronger" will be held from the 6th – 8th September at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne.

Registration is now open for all Medical Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Haematologists, Cancer Nurses, Cancer Patient Advocates, Practice Managers and other cancer care professionals. There is no cost to PCPA member Consultants and all Advanced Trainees and cancer nurses and patient advocates.

Medical Oncologists | Radiation Oncologists | Haematologists | Cancer Nurses | Cancer Patient Advocates | Practice Managers

There is no cost for PCPA member Consultants, all Advanced Trainees, cancer nurses and patient advocates to attend the PCPA ASM 2024. Register now!

^A nominal registration fee for other non-members will be applicable.
For more details, email Jennifer Burgess, PCPA.

● Renew your PCPA membership here.

● Free membership is offered for Advanced Trainees and cancer nurses. Join PCPA here.

A registration fee for non-members will be applicable. For more details, email Jennifer Burgess, PCPA.

Explore the Meeting Agenda

At a glance PCPA ASM 2024 will feature key sessions and events designed to enhance your knowledge and personal growth.

Friday — 6th Sep
2:00pm – 5:30pm
Key Strategic Alliance Partners
PCPA board meetings
6:30pm – 10:00pm
PCPA Annual Dinner for Board and Consultant members, Emerging Leaders’ Advisory Board and invited guests.

6:30pm predinner drinks for 7pm dinner.
Saturday — 7th Sep
8:30am – 5:30pm
PCPA ASM Together=Stronger

-Opening combined plenary session
-Consultant & Advanced Trainee concurrent sessions
-Closing combined plenary session
5:30pm – 7:30pm
PCPA’s Clinicians, Canapés and Conversation Networking Event
Sunday — 8th Sep
7:45am – 2.00pm
Advanced Trainee Program

-A special breakfast panel discussion on ‘onboarding into the private health sector’
-Advanced Trainee Program
-PCPA President’s closing speech

Plan your participation and stay ahead in cancer care.

Meet the Experts

Meet the renowned experts who will share valuable insights, knowledge and new advances in cancer care and private practice.

Meet the PCPA ASM 2024 Co-Convenors

Associate Professor Christopher Steer
Medical Oncology
President, Private Cancer Physicians of Australia (PCPA)

Medical Oncologist, Border Medical Oncology
Dr Ian Irving
Private Cancer Physicians of Australia (PCPA) Board Member
Clinical Haematologist, Icon Wesley
Chief Medical Officer, Icon Group
Executive Director, Icon Group
Desmond Yip (1)
Professor Desmond Yip
Medical Oncology
Private Cancer Physicians of Australia (PCPA) Board Member & Treasurer
Senior Staff Specialist Department of Medical Oncology, The Canberra Hospital
ANU School of Medicine and Psychology, The Australian National University

Frequently asked question

Get the answers to some of the most common questions about the 2024 PCPA Scientific Meeting

Be Part of PCPA ASM 2024

Register today – places are limited.

Thank you to our Sponsors

This event offers a unique platform to connect with leading experts and engage in high-value discussions that will shape the future of cancer care.
