2:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Key Strategic Alliance Partners – PCPA board meetings
6:30 PM – 10:00 PM
PCPA Annual Dinner for Board and Consultant members, Emerging Leaders’ Advisory Board and invited guests.

6:30pm predinner drinks for 7pm dinner.

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Light breakfast, networking and registration

10:20 AM - 10:45 AM

Morning Tea

Opening Plenary Session
8:30 AM –
10:20 AM
Keynote: Together = Stronger
Is Cancer Care an Election Priority?

Convenor: Professor Desmond Yip
8:30 AM –
8:35 AM
PCPA President’s Welcome

Presenter: PCPA President, Assoc Prof. Christopher Steer
8:35 AM –
8:50 AM
Cancer care and the Government’s commitment

Presenter: The Hon Ged Kearney MP
Assistant Minister for Health & Aged Care
ALP Member for Cooper
8:50 AM –
9:10 AM

9:10 AM –
9:15 AM
Election priorities of the Coalition

Presenter: Dr Anne Webster MP
Shadow Minister for Regional Health
Federal Member for Mallee

9:15 AM –
9:40 AM

9:40 AM –
9:45 AM
What cancer patients want

Presenter: Mr Chris Tanti
Leukaemia Foundation of Australia

9:45 AM –
10:20 AM
The politics of an Australian Interim Cancer Fund

Moderator: Dr Amy Davies
Medical Oncologist and PCPA Emerging Leaders’ Advisory Board member

In an interview with:
Professor John Zalcberg, AO
Monash University (Emeritus) and University of Melbourne
Professor John Skerritt, AM
University of Melbourne, Medicines Australia and AusBioTech
Consultant Session
Advanced Trainee Session
10:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Building a successful private practice

Convenor – Dr Ian Irving
10:45 AM – 1:00 PM
Let’s talk about sex & fertility in cancer

Convenor – Dr Arman Hasani
10:45 AM – 11:15 AM

11:15 AM – 11:20 AM
Superannuation: New super rules, self-managed superfund tax charges,
Super 101 for pre-retirees

Presenter: Ms Ann-Maree Ventura
Lawyer & Superannuation Specialist Fletcher|Clarendon

10:45 AM – 11:15 AM
How to reduce the impact of cancer and its treatment on long term fertility

Presenter: Assoc Prof. Kate Stern AO
Fertility Specialist
Royal Women’s Hospital and Melbourne IVF
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM

11:50 AM – 12:25 PM
Employment of Nurse Practitioners in private oncology practice

Presenter: Adj Assoc Prof. Tim Clay
Medical Oncologist
St John of God Subiaco Hospital

11:15 AM – 11:45 AM
The experiences and needs of LGBTQI+ cancer survivors

Presenter: Dr Karolina Lisy
Senior Research Fellow
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
11:55 AM – 12:25 PM
Use of AI in the oncology clinic

Presenter: Mr Kai Van Lieshout
Co-Founder and CEO
Lyrebird Health

11:45 AM – 12:15 PM
“Losing My Mojo” : sex and fertility in a cancer context

Presenter: Dr Charlotte Tottman
Clinical Psychologist
12:30 PM – 12:55 PM

12:55 PM – 1:00 PM
Wellness for Specialists: How to avoid burnout in private practice

Presenter: Dr Dominique Lee
Radiation Oncologist
Icon Cancer Centre

12:15 PM – 12:40 PM
Panel discussion

Moderator: Dr Arman Hasani
❏ Assoc Prof. Stern
❏ Dr Tottman
❏ Dr Lisy
12:40 PM – 1:00 PM
PCPA’s Strategic Alliance Partnership at work

Presenter: Assoc Prof. Christopher Steer

Launch of PCPA’s ‘Access to Innovative Treatments’ communications initiative

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM


Consultant Session
Advanced Trainee Session
1:45 PM –
3:30 PM
Private Practice Essentials

Convenor –Dr Cam McLaren
1:45 PM –
3:30 PM
Cancer Unknown Primary Masterclass

Convenor – Prof. Desmond Yip
1:45 PM –
2:15 PM
How to manage a legal medico report

Presenter: Ms Victoria Keays
Gordon Lawyers
1:45 PM –
2:15 PM
The landscape of Carcinoma of Unknown Primary in Australia

Presenter: Prof. Chris Karapetis
Medical Oncologist
Flinders Medical Centre & Southern Oncology
2:15 PM –
2:45 PM
Billing Update – Hidden Landmines in Billing

Presenter: Ms Loryn Einstein
Medical Billing Experts
2:15 PM –
2:45 PM
Histopathological and molecular characterisation of CUP

Presenter: Dr Michael Christie
Molecular Genetics and Anatomical Pathologist
University of Melbourne

2:45 PM –
3:15 PM
APHRA and PSR notifications: Do’s don’t and dispelling myths

Presenter: Assoc Prof. Antonio Di Dio
Professional Services Review
2:45 PM –
3:15 PM
Management Principles of Carcinoma of the Unknown Primary: The SUPER-ED Project

Presenter: Dr Hui-Li Wong
Medical Oncologist
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
& The Royal Melbourne Hospital
3:15 PM –
3:30 PM
Panel Discussion

Moderator: Dr Cam McLaren
❏ Ms Keays
❏ Ms Einstein
❏ Dr DiDio
3:15 PM –
3:30 PM
Panel Discussion

Moderator: Prof. Desmond Yip
❏ Prof. Karapetis
❏ Dr Wong
❏ Dr Christie

3:30 PM -3:45 PM

Afternoon Tea

Closing Plenary Session
3:45 PM –
5:30 PM
Keynote: Access to Innovative Medicines

Convenor: Dr Ian Irving
3:45 PM –
4:10 PM
The challenge for clinicians

Presenter: Dr Paul Viray
Consultant Geriatrician & Medical Oncologist
PCPA Emerging Leaders’ Advisory Board member
4:15 PM –
4:40 PM
The challenge for cancer patients

Presenter: Ms Christine Cockburn.
CEO Rare Cancers Australia.
4:40 PM –
5:00 PM
A solution – communications, knowledge & resources

Presenter: Prof. Fran Boyle
Medical Oncologist
Haematology & Oncology-North Sydney
5:00 PM –
5:30 PM
Panel discussion

Moderator: Dr Viray
❏ Prof. Boyle
❏ Ms Cockburn
❏ Mr MacNamara (Servier)
5:30 PM –
5:35 PM
PCPA President Closing Remarks

President: A/Prof. Christopher Steer

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

PCPA's Clinicians, Canapés and Conversations Networking Event,
The Residence at Grand Hyatt

Advanced Trainee Session
7:45 AM –
9:00 AM

(Breakfast Session)
Onboarding to the private cancer sector

Convenor: Dr Ian Irving

Panel Discussion
❏ Dr Dominique Lee – Radiation Oncologist
❏ Dr Tony Michele – Medical Oncologist
❏ Dr Adam Boyce – Medical Oncologist
❏ Assoc Prof. Christopher Steer – Medical Oncologist

Sponsor: Icon Cancer Centre

9:00 AM –
10:30 AM
Genomics Panel Testing for Cancers

Convenor – Dr Adam Boyce
9:00 AM –
9:25 AM
Passionate about genomics

Presenter: Ms Krystal Barter
Patient advocate and founder of The Genomics Coalition.
9:25 AM –
9:55 AM
Precision Care Clinics: Integrating genomics into cancer care

Presenter: Dr Milita Zaheed
Genetic Oncologist
Prince of Wales Hospital
9:55 AM –
10:30 AM
Panel discussion

Moderator: Prof. Desmond Yip
❏ Ms Barter. The patient
❏ Dr Zaheed. The oncologist
❏ Dr Rathi. The pathologist

10:30 AM - 10:50 AM

Morning Tea

Advanced Trainee Session
10:50 AM –
1:00 PM
Prostate Cancer Masterclass

Convenor – Dr Tony Michele
10:50 AM –
11:15 AM
Androgen Receptor Signalling treatment in prostate cancer

Presenter: Dr Arsha Anton
Medical Oncologist
Ringwood Oncology and Walter and Eliza Hall of Medical Research
11:15 AM –
11:40 AM
Advances in radiotherapy modalities

Presenter: Assoc Prof. George Hruby
Radiation Oncologist
Royal North Shore Hospital / GenesisCare
11:40 AM –
12:05 PM
Theranostic management of prostate cancer

Presenter: Prof. Louise Emmett
Nuclear Physician
St Vincents Hospital
12:05 PM –
12:30 PM
Prostate Cancer Genomics

Presenter: Dr Vivek Rathi
Genomic Pathologist
LifeStrands / The Canberra Hospital
12:30 PM –
12:55 PM
Panel discussion

Moderator: Dr Tony Michele
❏ Assoc Prof. Hruby
❏ Prof. Emmett
❏ Dr Rathi
❏ Dr Anton
12:55 PM
Closing Comments
PCPA President – Assoc Prof. Christopher Steer

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


We look forward to welcoming you again to the PCPA ASM in 2025

Thank you to our Sponsors

This event offers a unique platform to connect with leading experts and engage in high-value discussions that will shape the future of cancer care.
